13 Results
apartment at Pagkrati,Attica Center
350 € / month
Ευφράνορος 40, Athens, Greece
2 rooms
Inviting double bedroom in Pangrati
420 € / month
Jumbo, Φιλολάου 113, Athens, Greece
5 rooms
Cool double bedroom with balcony, in a 3-Bedroom apartment in Pangrati
Χρεμωνίδου 37, Athens, Greece
3 rooms
Cosy double bedroom with balcony in a 3-Bedroom apartment, in the heart of Pangarti
Welcoming double bedroom in Pangrati
Real Estate One | Κωδικός: 1127096 - Studio/Γκαρσονιέρα Προς Ενοικίαση, Νέος Κόσμος, 28 τ.μ., €350
Κασομούλη 78-80, Athens, Greece
1 room
Large double bedroom in Pangrati
Snug double ensuite bedroom with balcony in a 3-Bedroom apartment, in Pangrati area
450 € / month
(For Rent) Residential Apartment || Athens Center/Zografos - 50 Sq.m, 1 Bedrooms, 430€
430 € / month
Βασιλέως Γεωργίου Β' 1, Athens, Greece
Pleasant double bedroom in Pangrati
Ενοικιάζεται Διαμέρισμα 35 τ.μ.
Πύρρωνος, Athens, Greece
Ενοικιάζεται Διαμέρισμα 33 τ.μ.
Σπύρου Μερκούρη 30, Athens, Greece
Panathenaic Stadium, Βερσή, Athens, Greece